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Page history last edited by Alice Ying 3 years, 5 months ago

Group mailing list:  sportsfans@umich.edu


Group Members:

Arushi Arora - ararora@umich.edu

Sanath Tummala - sanatht@umich.edu

Alice Ying - acying@umich.edu


App platform: iOS App


App description: Chrome extension that tracks your weekly Amazon spending.

Screenshots: (you'll post screenshots here for your final demo, only insert photos directly don't link them)


MVP Presentation: Embed ppt/pptx presentation.

Final Presentation: Embed ppt/pptx presentation


2 ways to embed:

  1. ppt/pptx: Upload your presentation to www.slideshare.net. When viewing your slideshow, click on the share button (two arrows emerging upwards from a single point) and copy the embed code. On the wiki, click Insert>HTML/Javascript and paste the embed code.
  2. Google Doc: On the Google doc click the arrow "share" in the upper right corner and click "publish/embed". Copy the embed code. On the wiki, click Insert>HTML/JavaScript and paste the embed code. 


Preso #1


Preso #2




Preso #3



Preso #4



Preso #5


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