
441 Winter 2021

Page history last edited by Cathie Norris 3 years, 7 months ago

Welcome to the Wiki for EECS 441 Winter 2021.


Professor: Elliot Soloway - soloway441@gmail.com

GSI : Renzhong Lu - lurz@umich.edu 


1. To edit this wiki, just click the edit button at the top of any page.  As you'll be adding presentations and projects to this wiki so everyone can see your work, and so that the instructional staff can grade it. If you do not post your work to this wiki, it will not receive a grade. 


NOTE: the items in BLUE/BOLD are newly posted


2. Important Links:


Team Numbers and Emails

Section 1

Group # App Name Team Email Address
1 PocketChoir pocketchoir@umich.edu
2 blind date blind-date@umich.edu
3 Webcam Alert web-cam-alert@umich.edu
4 Green Tag green-tag@umich.edu
5 TeleFest teleparty@umich.edu
6 Reviewr   team-rvwr@umich.edu 
7 Nostalgia teammap1738@umich.edu
8 TutorUni tutor-uni-app@umich.edu
9 Chef's Kiss jankie-corp@umich.edu
10 Pirouette pirouetteapp@umich.edu
11 IOU - The Bill Splitter IOU-EECS441@umich.edu
12 locafy  locafyapp@umich.edu
13 DropX dropx-devs@umich.edu
14 Ski Locale skilocale@umich.edu


Section 2

Group # App Name Team Email Address
1 eNotate eNoteTaker@umich.edu
2 Bill Splitter BillSplitter@umich.edu
3 Simple Timers SimpleTimers@umich.edu

Bowling Shot Tracker

5 classhopper classhopper@umich.edu
6 Less CPU 4 u lessCPU4u@umich.edu
7 VScodeManager vscode.ext@umich.edu
8 Lexpert
9 Deal Time deal-time@umich.edu
10 Arbor Recipes
11 InTheLoop
12 Canvas Conversations canvas-conversations@umich.edu
13 MoneyBuddy sportsfans@umich.edu






Due on 1/25:

Due on 2/1:

Due on 2/5: MVP Readings

Due on 2/8: 

Due on 3/1: Moore's Law (Required readings 1-4, with a video in 1)

Due on March 3:

Due on March 10: Mythical-Man Month

Due on March 19 



Due on March 24

Due on  April 5 - Marc Andreessen

1 The Man Who Makes the Future_ Wired Icon 2 Marc Andreessen _ Wired Business _ (2).pdf

2 A look inside the insanely successful life of investor Marc Andreessen - Business Insider (2).pdf

Due on April 7 - Crossing the Chasm: Preface, Intro, Ch1

1. Crossing-The-Chasm Preface+Intro+Ch1.pdf

Due on April 12 - Second Machine Age

Second Machine Age Chap1+2.pdf

Due on April 14 - Richard Sheridan's "Joy Inc." (co-founder, Menlo Innovations)

Joy Inc Chapter 2.pdf





3. What you need to do on this Wiki (Class Rules are from the Syllabus)

  • Class Rule 5: Every team will post their project info at the appropriate URL – see above. Go to that URL, click “edit” and it will say you need to request permission to edit – so, quick and request it. You will be granted permission within 24 hours. Probably.  
  • Class Rule 6: Create a page for your group/app on the wiki. Link that page to the info in "Group Pages"
  • Class Rule 7: Before the day of your company presentation, embed your presentation slides on the respective company presentation slides page.




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