Welcome to the Wiki for EECS 441 Fall 2020.
Professor: Elliot Soloway -soloway441fall2020@umich.edu
GSI: Emily Bao - yuweibao@umich.edu
1. To edit this wiki, just click the edit button at the top of any page. The first time you go to edit the wiki you'll have to request access. Please do so sooner than later, as you'll be adding presentations and projects to this wiki so everyone can see your work, and so that the instructional staff can grade it. If you do not post your work to this wiki, it will not receive a grade.
NOTE: the items in BLUE/BOLD are newly posted
2. Important Links:
441fall2020 section 1 team emails
#1 Focus focus-webapp@umich.edu
#2 MFolio xfolio-app@umich.edu
#3 Followup followup-app@umich.edu
#4 Shokumotsu shokumotsu@umich.edu
#5 Ocean dkcsoftware@umich.edu
#6 Privacy Pal interpret-my-data@umich.edu
#7 Wink cfplusplus@umich.edu
#8 Mad Humanity tabDev-chrome@umich.edu
#9 Pencil In git-money@umich.edu
#10 Leetcode Notifier leetcodenotifier@umich.edu
#11 Pantree Pantree2020@umich.edu
#12 Calendar Builder calendarBuilder@umich.edu
#13 WellnessWatch wellness-watch@umich.edu
441fall2020 section 2 team emails
#1 Red Alert red-alert@umich.edu
#2 Roadmap roadmap441@umich.edu
#3 CleanNote cleannote@umich.edu
#4 Boozify boozify441@umich.edu
#5 FindaDu find-a-du@umich.edu
#6 DataDash DataDasher@umich.edu
#7 Rudder rudder-app@umich.edu
#8 DownToHang sundi3g0.441@umich.edu
#9 RightSideoftheBed rightsideofthebed@umich.edu
#10 Perfect Posture perfectposture@umich.edu
#11 WePlanIt 441teamjab@umich.edu
#12 Social Chair socialchair@umich.edu
#13 Stock Talk 441stonks@umich.edu
#14 LeetCode 4 U leetcode-4u@umich.edu
#15 Sports Discussion sports-discussion@umich.edu
MVP2 Individual User Testing Chart.xlsx
MVP2 Summary User Testing Chart.xlsx
9-16 MVP Readings
1 MVP video by Steve Blank v2.pdf
2 How to set up a Minimum Viable Product.pdf
3 medium.freecodecamp.org-What does Minimum Viable Product actually meannbspanyway.pdf
OPTIONAL medium.com-Struggling With Your MVPHeres How to Build It Right innbsp2018.pdf
OPTIONAL: https://thenextweb.com/entrepreneur/2015/04/01/the-single-worst-marketing-decision-you-can-make/
9-18 Persona Readings
1 How to create a persona TOTAL.pdf
2 Defining-customer-personas.pdf
OPTIONAL nytimes.com-Foldable Phones Are Here Do We Really Want Them.pdf
10-5 Innovator's Dilemma - innovators_dilemma chapter one (5).pdf
10-12 Moore's Law
1 50 Years of Morre's Law - VIdeo + Graph.pdf
2 NYTIMES opinion_thomas-friedman-moor.pdf
3 Transistors Could Stop Shrinking in 2021.pdf
Optional - AI is On Fire - Why Now.pdf
Optional - Moore's law really is dead this time.pdf
10-16 Mythical Man-Month
1-Mythical Man-Month Preface +Ch 1.pdf
10-21 Mythical Man-Month
Picture+Preface+Ch2 MthicalManMonth 20th AnnEdition.pdf
10-23 Mythical Man-Month
Ch 4 Brooks The Mythical Man-Month MMM.pdf
10-26 Mythical-Man-Month
Ch 5 6 Brooks 1975 The Mythical Man-month.pdf
11-4 Mythical-Man-Month
Ch 8 Brooks 1975 The Mythical Man-month.pdf
11-9 Mythical Man Month
Ch 9 The.Mythical.Man.Month.F.Brooks.pdf
11-18 Crossing the Chasm
1. Crossing-The-Chasm READING 1.pdf
Crossing-The-Chasm WHOLEBOOK.pdf
11-30 Marc Andreessen
1 The Man Who Makes the Future_ Wired Icon 2 Marc Andreessen _ Wired Business _ (2).pdf
2 A look inside the insanely successful life of investor Marc Andreessen - Business Insider (2).pdf
12-2 Quantum Computers
12-7 The Future
a16z.com-ITS TIME TO BUILD.pdf
- Request Absence
- Piazza
- Group Pages:
- Evaluation Forms: (use your UMICH email)
- Company Reports:
- Grades
3. What you need to do on this Wiki (Class Rules are from the Syllabus)
- Class Rule 5: Every team will post their project info at the appropriate URL – see above. Go to that URL, click “edit” and it will say you need to request permission to edit – so, quick and request it. You will be granted permission within 24 hours. Probably.
- Class Rule 6: Create a page for your group/app on the wiki. Link that page to the info in "Group Pages"
- Class Rule 7: Before the day of your company presentation, embed your presentation slides on the respective company presentation slides page.
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