
Group Pages 3:00 Section W2017

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Saved by Chris Hwang
on January 25, 2017 at 5:29:45 pm

Please create a page for your group and application, using the following template: Example App. All presentations, artifacts, etc. will be posted to the page you create to receive credit.


You will need to create a group name that will also be used as a mailing list. Go to http://directory.umich.edu and register a mailing list with all of your group members. This will be our primary method of communication with your group.


Please post under the appropriate category (you may move categories at a later date if necessary) below, and please use the following format on this page:

  • Example App - Short description of the application
    • <group_email@umich.edu> - Group Member 1, Group Member 2, Group Member 3 



  • Remark - Location-based communication platform
    • <remarkable@umich.edu> - Kevin Ni, Samidha Visai, Tiberiu Vilcu
  • Loop - A mobile shopping destination for millennials tailored towards video content creators and consumers
    • <teamsg441@umich.edu> - Katherine Liu, Sherwyn Poon, Tianyi Liu, Yidan Liu 





  • Fappy Bird - New and exciting mobile game
    • <MFappyBird@umich.edu> - Albert Gang, Cary Huang, Daniel MINGEE Kang





  • Confidant - Our application helps college students get the mental health support they need, when they need it
    • socialimpacters@umich.edu - Emily Jablonski, Charles Kowalec, Caitlin Short  


  • Herald - Reads and summarizes news and other important information to you in the morning
    • <eecs441withalexa@umich.edu> - Aryaman Naik, Shiv Ghai, Bailey Berro, Caroline Gluck
  • OneFeed - We want to be the first and only place you look to consume media
    • <one-feed-441@umich.edu> -  Dominic Muzzin, Jonathan Sussman, Chris Hwang



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